16 Video Ideas for Manufacturing Companies [Assembly Lines]
Published on 16 March 2024
Making videos for industrial marketing is an extremely important segment for the marketing department of any manufacturing company toward their promotional campaign.
We all see more marketing spends, year on year, get allocated to video marketing for branding and business growth .
It has opened up two frontiers when it comes to the video production for industrial units.
While the marketing personnel are eyeing at the video marketing trends for the year and trying to figure out the best available solution at the lowest budget, the content creators, publishers or the filmmakers are in the look out of a prospect.
Though there are many different channels that bridge the chasm between the seekers and doers, it will be useful if we have a set of templates or video ideas for manufacturing companies before the ‘light-camera-action’ actually takes place.
The ideas of Industrial filmmaking, I find, often made exaggerated and mystified which they are not in reality. In this piece, I’ll lay down different templates of video production that can be applied on both big shot production assembly line through small sized foundries.
The videos on the industrial units are a blend of B-Rolls, taking heads and animated explainers for yielding different versions of edits in various formats, catering to different audiences.
The objective is to offer simple and reasonably priced solution of producing videos for the manufacturing units of different length and formats (size or resolution).
This article will help you, be the owner or a video maker, understand what are the options you have with your footage, that you can use repeatedly in different style and repurpose, effectively cutting down the marketing spend.
Also, in this piece, I’ll discuss the post production or rather editing strategies, with occasional references to the shooting and other production means that deserve elaboration. I won’t delve deeper into the shooting modules and lighting here and will have a thorough walk through later in a separate article.
Table of Contents
A Brief of Industrial Filmmaking – From Recce to Deliverables
- Recce before video production for industrial units
- Your start-the-ball-rolling phase starts right here with reconnoitering irrespective of you being a hired filmmaker or the marketing officer or site owner yourself. The last one applies for the SMEs particularly.
- Jot down as many details as possible, from things to shoot and highlight either with footage or animated explainers, 2D or 3D.
- Number of locations to note with the gears in mind.
- Selection of Lenses and Camera, light set up and sound equipment.
- Shoot stills while on recce to decide upon later what are the gears you must take on the day of shoot.
- Pre-Production or Planning – Ideas of making Corporate Videos on Manufacturing Units
- Decide upon the resolution of the Video. Create a list of requirement for the social videos. You have to decide whether to get vertical and horizontal format i.e. 9:16 or 16:9 from the same rush. This necessitates you to decide on shooting at either 1920X1080 or 4K UHD i.e. 3840X2160. Clearly, you can take out a 1080X1920 from a 3840X2160 for editing a vertical format video, which is not possible if you shoot at 1920X1080.
- Make a list of shots to take with all the CUs (Close Ups), MSs (Mid shot), WSs (Wide shot) and MCs (Mid Close). A corporate video is a highly regulated domain of work in terms of planning on production. You have to make sure that you leave no stone unturned before production. Get your client on board, if you’re producing being hired.
- Make a list of gears keeping with the budget, just in case you have a tentative figure in mind to start with. In anyway, you have to talk to your client regarding the money matter, well in advance, to make out what are the equipment you can book.
- Production
- Make shot-list and schedule for shooting. The video production for industrial units involves meticulous lighting, since most the shoot takes interior. Three to four different camera angles to capture to bring in varieties in footage and offer the editor an aesthetic liberty and to be able to cut back and forth.
- Remember, recce always doesn’t help shot design and preparation and you must some additional minutes of lighting and camera set up before most of the shots. So, make the schedule accordingly.
- Make separate slots for interviews and talking heads. Ideally, you should not mix up taking B-rolls and interviews simultaneously. Any industrial unit with the assembly lines are filled with deafening noises. Avoid those noises at any cost, while recording any interview. You may patch stock sound effects with the B-rolls, but that won’t possible in case of the interviews.
- You have to take great care for sound recording on the locations. A crystal clear audio will help your video stand out in the crowd. Remember, an error in audio becomes evident at once, while the same may escape the notice of the viewer.
- Post-production
- Editing and VFX give the shape of the film. You have to make an approximate layout of the edit before you get on to the edit-table.
- Create a list of sequences, interviews, animations, lower thirds, call-outs, HUD elements and text overlays before you create the first assembly of shots, followed by the rough cut.
- Audio-editing, Color Correction and VFX to add before the final draft.
- Deliverables
- There are many different versions of a film you may to produce, both for screening through offline and online channels. These days, we’re all familiar with mostly three different aspect ratios viz. 16:9, 1:1 and 9:16. There are many more in between. Traditional filmmaking or making videos for industrial marketing revolves around landscape format , which doesn’t need any more introduction. But there are many formats for social media feed, reels and stories. Below are a list of such specs that you may find useful.
The Video Ideas for Manufacturing Companies
1. 5-10 Min Film on Corporate Profiling
A straightforward cut-co-cut film of 5 mins to 10 mins in length toward an overall corporate profiling of the manufacturing unit.
This should be the first one when it comes to video production for any industrial unit. Because it calls for a comprehensive shooting, recording different talking heads, collecting data pertinent to branding, marketing campaign and business growth.
You will get the maximum amount of footage for producing an industrial film in comparison to another shorter version, if shot separately. Usually that’s not done if your client has a long term marketing insight.
Here the idea is to get the footage and edit out other versions later for promotion in different for a. Here is a representation of the structural threads for a 5-10 min film on a manufacturing company.
Narrations enhance a corporate film. So you must hire a good professional voice artist. Since industrial films percolate specific information related to the companies or its products, a voice over is essential.
2. A 2 min Short – Video production for industrial units
This is a teaser or shorter version edit of the longer version 5-10 min one. The idea of this is to promote it on social media.
You can think of screening the 2-min short on large display, be it in the company’s guest room, conference room, reception or at any exhibition pavilion.
Insert one talking head that carries the message of the film on business growth or product usage. Get rid of any narrative if you use talking head or vice versa.
You may consider beginning the film with B-rolls on a talking head or the narrative with fast music and transitions. You must use text overlay sparingly, as 2 minutes time is relatively shorter for registering too many lines.
A CTA or Call-To- Action is a must with a simple and elegant logo animation.
3. Plant Tour, 1:30 min to 2 min each – Ideas of making Corporate Videos on Manufacturing Units
It’s for branding with technical information and showing how the company sticks to regulatory guidelines in terms of safety and quality.
A video on the plant tour takes the viewer to every nook and corner of the workshop under the roof. If one video is inadequate, think of creating a series of short videos on the plant.
Also, In this format of video production for industrial units, you mix footage with text and graphics or simple 2D animation to keep the cost of production at a minimal level.
A video of more than 1:30 min or 2 loses its traction. It’s more evident in the case of technical videos. So, create a list of machines or assembly line segments to show and then produce a playlist.
You may use narratives of a voice artist or make it in the first person-narrative format. In the first-person-narrative format, a character is first established then following him or her, you can edit the sequence with information on the plant machinery, technologies or production assembly line.
4. 3D Animation – Walk through in Industrial Filmmaking on the Technologies used in Manufacturing Units
This format is essential for the big shot production while explaining things that can’t be supported with the camera-recorded-visual.
If you need to explain a technology and delve into its core, you must develop a 3d environment mimicking real life equipment. It can be used in many ways.
You can use each 3d simulation or product render separately, compositing with some text overlays and a supporting narrative. You can also use this animation inside longer video.
3D animation with the present state of technology adds a dimension to your branding. With stunning quality and render details, a 3d scene stands out and tells the viewers what it’s all about.
The length of a 3d animation depends on the very topic and the budget. Time is money and with high quality render engines like Vray or Corona, it takes long hours to render the production quality.
5. On the Production Assembly Line – Ideas of making corporate video on manufacturing units
You create content on different nodes of an assembly line to arrive at the end product. The videos on your production assembly line typically lure the buyers with bulk order potential.
They like to gauze and assess the productivity before placing a bulk order. Think of creating several videos or a playlist if you have a CNC (computer-numeric-controlled) machining system in place highlighting the precision and quality of your deliverables.
You can think of two ways. One is the hard-core technical videos on the assembly line for email marketing. Second, a little simplified ones with additional layers of information for the non-techie traffic.
If the first format makes you armored for direct marketing to bulk purchaser or export/import entities, the second ones are surely an excellent pool of content for inbound marketing and branding. In plain language, you can target both the B2B and B2C segments.
6. About Us video ideas for Manufacturing companies
This can be a blend of the organization’s employee benefits program and CSR initiatives, if any.
If you don’t have such program yet, try making videos on safety and security for the workers that would highlight the concerns your company taking care of. With CSR initiatives, you can develop many different videos or combine them into one, in keeping with your content marketing strategies.
A mix of footage and animated explainers will do the work. Try interviewing the HR officials or the person-in-charge to walk through the company’s goal of creating the best possible working environment. Interviews from different tiers of the workforce will strengthen the appeal of the videos, like, the management and the workers as well.
Consider creating a timeline with animated explainers over the interviews of the CMD or someone at the top level, telling the journey of the organization.
About Us videos are integral to industrial filmmaking in terms of both online and offline marketing campaign.
7. Slideshow Animation – Making Corporate Videos on Manufacturing Units
One of the least priced solutions to video production for industrial units.
Just create a list of topics that you want to highlight. A 1:30 min to 2 min slideshow animation will be optimal to hold of the viewers. You can get rid of the expenses for voice over while creating slideshow animations on your manufacturing unit.
All you need is several good quality photographs. Even a present-day smart phone is more than enough to shoot stills in good quality.
Two most important things just in case you’re short of allocating a budget and want to shoot yourself, are the light and composition.
The advantages of using slideshow animations are they can be shared online and be inserted in other longer versions of edits as the fillers.
8. Product Demo in Industrial Filmmaking
Making videos on product demos is essential for any manufacturing company.
Create a playlist of videos, if needed, on unboxing to how-to through the customer support in the case of any issues from the client/ customer end. Mix up footage and text overlays to make short videos. A supporting narrative does always helps spread the message of the videos on product demo.
A simple and matter-of-fact language with clean editing is the key to making a quality video on product demo. This format of video caters to the B2C segment. So, you must take care of the utility particularly.
A longer hold of text overlays along with clean, unambiguous icons or graphics helps the viewers assimilate information seamlessly. Create a series of videos with neatly segregated structures in advance.
This approach will help you generate more content through video production for industrial units.
9. Edit Interviews and create an attractive title while making videos for Industrial Marketing
In this format of video production for industrial units, the interviews, or the talking heads work as the base thread of the film.
So, make sure you cut the talking heads first. You can juxtapose multiple interviews in one video or use one interviewee throughout the video along with the B-rolls. Here comes the repurposing of content in different ways.
Let’s say, you shot many different persons on the very day of shooting under the number 1 of the video ideas for manufacturing companies. Now, get to the footage of each interview and watch it again.
Extract and separate the messages to form a single thread upon each interview, if available. Each of HR head or CMO or the Production controller will have his or her own perspective.
Now you know what B-rolls or graphics to use along with their talks. You can generate many different videos this way.
10. A Time lapse video on the shop floor or at the production assembly line
Time lapse is fairly common and appealing. Its stylization can attract even people having no interest to the technicalities at all.
Tell your producer or cameraman to set the camera at a suitable angle, may be eye-level, or at multiple angles to capture movement of machinery and people. Make sure, if you do it yourself, you make no jerks at all while recording the time lapse. There must not be any.
Convert a 10 min shot into a 10 sec one, add some music and finish with a Pack shot i.e. the CTA (Call -To-Action) with a logo animation. This is a perfect recipe for the B2C segment.
Even if you use this while carrying a B2B email marketing campaign, there is a high probability that the prospect will click through your email leading to an interaction.
11. Drone coverage in Video Production for Industrial Units
These days, your video marketing campaign will look incomplete without an aerial shot. Ideally, you should take this over your plant exterior. Also, you can consider having some drone footage interior if the plant roof or ceiling is high enough.
The aerial footage always adds dimension to your video, with or without any voice over and along with background music. It enhances your efforts to make videos for industrial marketing.
A nicely cut insert or sparingly used somewhere in the middle of the video as a filler or in a montage in a concluding sequence, an aerial clip stands out in the crowd of other visuals.
Make sure you set the right frame rate while configuring your drone. It should match with the resolution of the B-rolls. The drone footage is always highly interesting and does add to the brand promotion with video production for industrial units.
12. Testimonial Videos capturing Buyers’ feedback to use in Video Production for Industrial units
A client’s feedback is a sure magnet for another prospect.
We always look out for different thoughts, opinions and reviews while making an online purchase. That works for the ideas of industrial filmmaking too. Get your client or customer on board and invite them for a recording and send your cameraman to their place. Make sure it doesn’t look contrived or made up.
Whatever he or she has to say, let it come out naturally. An unnatural throw or reaction will surely nudge other prospects in the opposite ways. Insert a line or two in between the interview-edits and spread your message along with.
A perfect recipe for inbound marketing. Don’t forget to use a proper lower third for each of the speaker with a mention of product/ technology you want to focus on.
13. Event Promo Video ideas for Manufacturing Units
Videos on the product launch or installation of new equipment or premises are excellent feed for your company’s social media profile.
Events are aplenty for any organization. Your production, marketing or CSR department can alert and provide ample information and material for making videos. And they cater to brand promotion and awareness through both online and offline channels.
You can shoot, edit, upload, and then repurpose again after a certain period. This grows your network resulting in generating inbound leads. ‘International Days’ are all over the places and through a calendar year.
Capitalize some of them that suit your brand identity and create videos accordingly. You must grab every single opportunity while making videos for industrial marketing.
14. Landing Page Video Production for industrial Units
A short 1 min video production for industrial units on what are in offing for your landing page. What product or service do you render!
You can think of this as a teaser and edit mixing interviews, graphics/ animations, and text overlays. A landing page video could be several. What I mean is, create several versions of short 1-min video and assess the user engagement after some time.
The most popular should find its appropriate position. So, it’s a trial-and-error process that takes time. A landing page video for a manufacturing unit should carry the USP of the company’s product, showcasing its technology. It’s certain a video toward brand promotion. Keep it simple, precise, and elegant.
Use a soothing background music to generate a feel-good factor. It must not be too technical, yet a touch of cutting-edge technology using a few HUD elements or info graphics in flash will make it stand out.
15. Email Marketing Video Ideas for Manufacturing Companies
Email Marketing video can have two different target audiences, both B2C and B2B. If you are on the lookout for business leads, go for B2B first.
If you’re already an established brand with a large user and customer base, then think of creating email marketing videos for B2B and B2C.
For B2B, you may consider highlighting your product and assembly line in a much more technical fashion than the ones intended for general users with no technical background.
For the B2C segment, you must produce a much more simplified version with more focus on the utility of the product and on why the use of it is advantageous over the others. Don’t forget to use email marketing campaigns near festivals when conversions usually hike.
MailChimp, Hubspot, Sender, Brevo (formerly Sendinblue), AWeber are some of the most popular email marketing solutions you may try out.
16. Infografic Video Ideas for Manufacturing Companies
You can go to the maximum possible extent with graphical representations of your product and technical details or sales and revenue data showing the business growth.
This type of video ideas for manufacturing companies particularly does suit the industrial units. More appropriate for the B2B audience, this type of video content has the potential to form an aura for the non-technical B2B segment too.
People like getting stunned, awestruck with the technical things laid out in style and fashion. Use HUD elements, technical call out titles and lower thirds to emphasis over scientific angle and perspectives.
It adds to your branding for sure.
There are tons of video ideas for manufacturing companies you can play with. I have, in this piece, touch upon a few. And I’ll surely come up with new ideas of making corporate videos on manufacturing units, should it appear any time in the coming days.
With the new video production technologies and artificial intelligence created a storm among the content creators, the need of a proper content creation and marketing strategy has never felt so dearly.
Industrial filmmaking is highly a demanding skill and so are the techniques involved in making videos for industrial marketing.
To make you video ideas for manufacturing units see the light of the day, you need a carefully crafted plan and consistent effort. These are the keys to a successful effort of making videos for industrial marketing that fetches potent business leads and yields conversion.
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